Belarus State University

Belarusian State University (BSU) is the leading institution of the Belarusian national education system, that prepares distinguished specialists.

The history of the university started at the beginning of the 20th century. BSU, taht is the oldest classical university of Belarus, was opened on October 30, 1921. At that moment this institution is a huge educational, scientific and industrial complex, that includes many departments. BSU is a brand and quality mark in the fields of education and science. According to the most reliable international rating agencies, BSU constitutes 1.5% of the best universities in the world and 1% of the best universities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. BSU is considered to be the best university among the universities of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Belarusian State University (BSU)

BSU takes full advantage of basic and applied researches, production and progress of scientific and engineering developments. New modern educational technologies are applied at the university, all conditions are available for teaching and pursuing science. The teaching staff at BSU is one of the best teaching staff in Belarus.

Buildings of BSU are equipped with modern technical devices. Remote technologies such as multimedia tools, eUniversity, Moodle, eLearning are applied at the teaching process. Students can benefit from various scientific, research and educational centers, a library that have a unique literary foundation. The university provides students with the opportunity to help bring to life their ideas and participate in scientific projects and conferences. Every year BSU takes part in more than 50 international scientific and engineering projects under the scope of programs such as Horizon 2020, CERN, UN, 7th EU Framework Program, TEMPUS, Erasmus +, MOST Program.

BSU realizes the idea known as ​​’University 3.0′ and encourages the establishment of scientific and industrial classes. The university cooperates with foreign partners and the real sector of economy of Belarus in an active an efficient way. BSU signed about 450 cooperation agreements with overseas universities, scientific and commercial enterprises. Step by step innovative, scientific and research centers and institutes are being opened. There is a joint institute of Belarus and China, that operates at BSU.


Every year highly-qualified specialists graduate from BSU. Among them there are world-famous outstanding scientists, public figures, politicians, teachers, writers, inventors and athletes. The developments of the scientists of BSU are applied in the fields such as medicine, nuclear physics, space technology, aviation and information technologies.

10,000 foreign students have graduated from BSU. Among them there are scientists and businessmen, entrepreneurs, teachers and distinguished artists.

On October 29, 2018, BSU launched the nano-satellite called BSUSat-1 (CubeBel-1) that is the unique flying student laboratory.

Once when his assistant Yakov Grommer worked at BSU, Albert Einstein, was thinking of working here as a professor, but it didn’t happened.

The university also provides the social, cultural and sports development of students. There many creative teams and clubs, social associations and sports clubs at BSU.

The language of undergraduate education at the university is Russian, and the language of graduate education is Russian and English. The university has 10 student dormitories. All of the dormitories are very comfortable and meet the needs of the students.

Everyone who decides to connect their life with BSU will have the opportunity not only to receive quality education, but also to make new friends and find a prestigious job.

Welcome to BSU!

Below there is a table, that contain information about departments of BSU and tuition fees.